Petitte Teens
Young people in their late teens and early 20s stand at a pivotal point as they transition into adulthood. Although they typically have higher unemployment rates than older workers, the Great Recession and slow recovery have focused attention on the challenges young people face when progressing from adolescence and school into full-time employment enabling self-sufficiency.
petitte teens
Among the 10 largest metro areas (those with populations large enough to support detailed demographic analysis of relatively small subgroups), whites typically have employment rates above the regional average across age groups, while blacks generally have lower than average employment rates across the age groups. Asians have lower-than-average employment rates among teens and young adults, but as prime-age workers, their rates equal or exceed regional averages in most of the ten largest metros. Latinos show a more varied pattern. Latino teens have employment rates that are sometimes higher and sometimes lower than the regional average, while in most of the ten largest places (excepting Boston) their rates as young adults exceed the regional average. Among prime-age workers, Latino employment rates meet or exceed regional averages in Miami, Atlanta, and Washington, D.C.; elsewhere their rates are below average.
The extent to which black employment rates lag regional averages or other groups varies. Among the 10 largest metro areas black employment rates across all ages are the lowest in Chicago, where the teen rate is 12 percent, the young adult rate is 47 percent, and the prime-age worker rate is 66 percent. By comparison, the employment rate is 25 percent for all teens in the Chicago region, 65 percent for all young adults, and 78 percent for all prime-age adults. Philadelphia and Los Angeles also have employment rates for blacks that are considerably below regional averages across age groups.
Like employment rates, unemployment rates vary considerably by age. Rates are highest among teens and decline as people become more competitive job candidates with increased education, skills, and experience. Unemployment among teens is consistently about twice that of young adults and three to four times that of prime-age workers.
Unemployment rates increased among all age groups between 2008 and 2014, with dramatic spikes starting in 2009 and then falling after the recession, but still remaining above pre-recession levels. In 2014, unemployment was 22.5 percent for teens, 12.7 percent for young adults, and 6.2 percent for prime-age workers.
Among young adults, the metros with the highest disconnection rates are also concentrated in the South, the Southwest, and California, with the exception of Detroit. These metros also are on the smaller side, again with the exception of Detroit. Metros with the lowest disconnection rates among young adults tend to be on the coasts, in the Midwest, and in Utah, with the exception of Austin, TX. As with teens, metros with low rates of young adult disconnection are of all sizes.
Not surprisingly, however, it is the largest metropolitan areas that have the highest numbers of disconnected teens and young adults, even if their rates of disconnection are lower. For example, the New York City region has the most disconnected teens (nearly 38,000) and young adults (113,000), even though its share of young people who are disconnected is below the national average. By comparison, in McAllen, TX, which has the highest rates, there are about 12,000 disconnected young adults and about 5,000 disconnected teens, a fraction of the number in the New York City area.
Social media can feel like a comparison trap, says study author Helen Thai, a doctoral student in psychology at McGill University. Her research found that limiting screen time to about one hour a day helped anxious teens and young adults feel better about their body image and their appearance.
The world is filled with interesting people doing remarkable things. Social media can be a more positive place for teens or adults when you connect with people who share your interests and post inspiring ideas or stories. Kite says she unfollows people who make her feel uncomfortable, "and I replace them with activists."
Objectives: To compare the abilities of teens with uncontrolled persistent asthma and their caregivers to identify inhaled medications and state correct indications for use; examine medication responsibility within dyads; and determine whether responsibility is associated with knowledge about inhaled therapies.
Methods: In the baseline survey for the School-Based Asthma Care for Teens (SB-ACT) trial, we separately asked caregivers and teens to: 1) identify the teen's inhaled asthma therapies by name and from a picture chart (complete matches considered "concordant"); 2) describe indications of use for each medication; and 3) describe the allocation of responsibility for medication use within dyads. We limited analyses to dyads in which either member reported at least one rescue and one inhaled controller medication; we used McNemar and Pearson chi-square tests.
Results: A total of 136 dyads were analyzed. More caregivers than teens concordantly identified medications (63% vs 31%, P
Conclusions: Medication responsibility within dyads of caregivers and teens with persistent asthma is not associated with knowledge about inhaled therapies. Targeting both members of the dyad with education and self-management strategies before responsibility transitions start may allow providers to avoid a missed opportunity to support these emerging stakeholders to adherence.
It's almost a cliche at this point to say that teen fiction isn't just for teens anymore. Just last year, the Association of American Publishers ranked Children's/Young Adult books as the single fastest-growing publishing category.
When two teens, one gay and one straight, meet accidentally and discover that they share the same name, their lives become intertwined as one begins dating the other's best friend, who produces a play revealing his relationship with them both.
In a future world where those between the ages of 13 and 18 can have their lives "unwound" and their body parts harvested for use by others, three teens go to extreme lengths to survive until they turn 18.
As psychologists worry that the coronavirus pandemic is triggering a loneliness epidemic, new Harvard research suggests feelings of social isolation are on the rise and that those hardest hit are older teens and young adults.
Suicidal thoughts are common among teens and young adults. If we can identify and support young people who are experiencing mental health symptoms, including thinking about suicide, we have an opportunity to help prevent tragedy.
This carjacking is the second involving young teens in less than a week span in the capital city. On Jan. 19, a Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare employee was assaulted in a carjacking at about 5:30 a.m. by four teens between the ages of 13 and 15 years old.
After taking the boys to Griffin Heights Apartments, 1010 Basin Street, one got out the front passenger seat to go and retrieve the money, leaving the other three teens in backseat of the car. They returned and told the woman the uncle was not home. She agreed to take them to another nearby location to meet an aunt of one of the boys.
The woman was notified by TPD on Friday morning that a fourth teen, had also been arrested in connection with the case in Tallahassee. According to TPD, two of the teens are 13, and the other two, 14 and 15. The Tallahassee Democrat names juvenile suspects in violent crimes when they are charged as adults.
The Quick Picks for Reluctant Young Adult Readers list identifies titles aimed at encouraging reading among teens who dislike to read for whatever reason. The list selects fiction, nonfiction, and graphic novel titles. Criteria for these titles include those with a high interest "hook", a catchy title/cover, sufficient plot to sustain interest, humor when appropriate, and more. Select a link below to view the full annotated Quick Picks for Reluctant Young Adult Readers lists.
Most of the teens interviewed were confident they could avoid sex if they wanted to, and half said there was a high chance of pregnancy with unprotected sex. Nearly 40% said there was a high chance of contracting a sexually transmitted disease.
But through a handful of projects, including California research that links birth records to child welfare records, researchers know the pregnancy rate is 2.5 times higher for teens in the system. About half of young women in the U.S. child welfare system are pregnant by age 19.
Instead of relying on teens and families to find their way to specialists, the Mount Sinai Adolescent Health Center offers a range of services, including primary care, sexual and reproductive health, behavioral health, and some specialty care. Teens can make appointments but about half just drop in, and services are provided at no cost to patients. Each year, the health center serves about 12,000 youth aged 10 to 26, both in the clinic and in six school-based health centers that serve 23 middle and high schools. Most patients are uninsured (70%) or are covered by Medicaid (26%), come from low-income families (98%), and are Black, Hispanic, or other people of color (94%).
Oasis offers therapy to about 450 teens and their families each year, using public and private funding instead of billing insurers. This frees therapists from having to give kids diagnoses, which some payers require.
In a nationwide randomized trial conducted during the pandemic involving nearly 2,500 teens, teens who used the YES interventions had significantly reduced symptoms of depression, hopelessness, anxiety, and restrictive eating three months later. Another study found that LGBTQ+ teens found the tools as acceptable and helpful as did non-LGBTQ+ youth. 041b061a72